Thursday, 22 April 2010

Final 20 Images for Project 3.

These are the final 20 images which I have decided show the setting changes on the camera best.
The page that I have printed for my portfolio has printed the darker pictures really dark. This is due to the screen & printer calibrations. On screen the dark picture are reasonable, not particularly good photos but I wanted to show what extreme shutter speed and aperture settings do to a photo.

Project 3 - 20 Images with Setting Changes.

For project 3 we were asked to take 20 photos and change a setting on each photo.
I have been taking photos over the last 2 months or so. I have taken an unbelievable amount of photos over the 2 months. I've enjoyed it. When you actually have to pay attention to setting on the camera rather than shooting on 'auto' all the time you realise how hard photography actually is.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Adjustments to Project 1 - Article Layout.

I went back and looked at some of my previous projects for the Introduction to Digital Technologies and Print Production module. Project 1 being the very first project I was set I felt it needed some alterations.
For starters I decided to move some of the title text around. I also took the boxes off the quotes. I also changed the colour of the sub-heading text as I felt it didn't look right with the headline text.
Here is the altered version.

Trend board for Fashion Industry 1 Project.

For a project in our Fashion Industry 1 module we were asked to go out and take pictures in 2 Northern cities in England of things we think could emerge as trends for Spring/Summer next year.
From my photos I picked up on a trend of digital print & bold colours. I called my trend 'DIGITAL POP.'
This is my trend board for the project.
I feel it relevant to include such projects on my blog because they are very layout and typography co-ordinated.
For this board I took lots of time over presentation. I wanted to get the layout and look of the board perfect and parallel. I also wanted the typography to complement the trend.

Concept Board for Project 5.

This is my final concept board for project 5.
I have featured my concept in 3 different locations including, the end of a bus stop advert, an in store computer and a New Look store window.
The board also shows how the concept works.
1. The models face is cut out and replaced with a screen.
2. A camera is mounted nearby and linked to the screen.
3. When the camera senses motion it turns on and the screen activates.
4. The screen then displays the picture being transferred from the camera.
5. The person stood in front of the camera has their face on the models body.

This concept allows the consumer to see what an outfit would look like on. It allows them to see if the garment suits their face shape/hair colour etc.

The in store computer also tells the consumer whether to garment is in stock and in which sizes. It will also tell the consumer where to locate it in store.

Storyboard for Project 5.

This is my storyboard for project 5 - digital retail communications.
The storyboard shows my influences for my idea, locations for my concept and what technologies will be used to make the concept work.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Concept Generation for Project 5.

I've had an idea for project 5 (digital retail communication).
Instead of just having stand alone billboards which displayed information I decided that I wanted to make my digital signage interactive so potential customers could get involved.
My idea is based on the seaside 'face in the hole' boards. As I chose New Look as my client I wanted to create a billboard which lets customers put their own face on a models body wearing New Look clothes to see how they would look.

To demonstrate my idea I found a website in which you can put your face on to many different backgrounds. ( Here is an example of how the website works. You choose a scenario in which you want to place your face (See below) Here I have chosen a cover shot of Elle magazine.
Once you have chosen a scenario you upload a photo of your face which is then loaded in to the white space of the scenario photo. (See below)
Applying this concept to billboards for New Look creates a new fun way of advertising and communicating with its potential customers.

Here is an example of this concept I came across whilst shopping in Huddersfield. The board was featured in Thorntons shop window. The idea behind the board is different to that of my New Look idea but it's still useful to demonstrate my concept.
For a chance to win prizes from Thorntons all you have to do is get behind the board and put your face in the hole and have your photo taken. Then you upload the photo of your face in the hole to the Thorntons website and are entered into the competition to win the prizes.