Thursday, 1 April 2010

Traditional Signage Research - Project 5.

Traditional signage includes billboards and print media. Traditional signage is used both indoors and outdoors by companies trying to sell a product, create an awareness of their company or cause.
(Image scanned from 'Advertising Outdoors' by David Bernstein, 1997)
As this billboard states outdoor advertising on such a large scale has 'more impact than any newspaper ad.' By putting advertising on such a large scale in an open space gives it much more of an audience. Any passers by would not be able to avoid looking at such a display. It therefore creates an awareness of a companies product. The more people that know about a product means more people might possibly buy the product meaning more profit for the company.

(Image taken by myself outside Topshop, Leeds)
This is an example of classic traditional advertising. Topshop have made use of nearby building works by using one of the boards concealing the build site to advertise their store. It not only advertises their store but it also hides the plain construction site board.
Traditional signage became somewhat dull which forced companies to get creative with their adverts. This advert featured above by Wonderbra is a perfect example of a company creatively using a space to sell their product). The advert above is featured on the side of a bus stop and creates the illusion that the woman stood in her underwear is actually stood the other side of the board.
(Image found online at -
This is another example of using a space creatively. Instead of selling a product this is an advert for a job search engine.
(Image scanned in from 'Advertising Outdoors by David Bernstein, 1997)
Not all traditional advertising takes place on billboards and in magazines. Transport methods are also used to advertise. As vehicles drive around the centre of towns & cities all day nearly everyday it's the perfect way to get valuable attention for a product or service.
(Image taken by myself in Topshop, Leeds)
Finally, not all traditional signage takes place outdoors, in store communications can also be on display in stores. Above is an example of in store signage which I found in Topshop, Leeds. On each face of the block is either a photo of a model wearing a Topshop item which has been styled with other items to suit or a picture of a pattern which can give inspiration to customers on what colours to buy or patterns to look out for.

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