Monday, 15 February 2010

Research for Project 4.

For this project I have 3 main topics I need to research :-
- Diesel. (Brand identity, previous styles of campaign & target audience).
- Wallpaper magazine. (Style of magazine, target audience & purpose).
- Mert & Marcus. (We were asked to choose a photographer/photographers that we liked the style of to mimic for our photos. As a group we then decided on 5 aspects of their photography which we need to include in our own. The 5 aspects we chose were, the importance of colour in the photo, the importance of the appearance of the model, simple styling (not many accessories on model), set design (lots of thought put into positioning of props, model etc.) and lots of post production work is another key feature (photoshop).
- Other photographers. Even though we are soley focusing on Mert & Marcus' style for our project it is also important to look at other photographer styles to get a broad knowledge on how photography can be used in different ways to capture different emotions and situations. Also how it is used for different purposes e.g. advertising etc.

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